4. Reactions

Curie provides access to the following evaluated nuclear reaction libraries: ENDF/B-VII.1, TENDL-2015, IRDFF-II, and the IAEA Medical Monitor reaction library. The Library class gives access to the libraries for searching and retrieving reactions. The Reaction class gives access to data and methods for a specific reaction. Some methods include the flux-average cross section, the integral of the cross section and the flux, a plotting method, and interpolation. See the API for more details.


rx = ci.Reaction('Ra-226(n,2n)Ra-225', 'endf')

rx = ci.Reaction('Ni-58(n,p)')
eng = np.linspace(1, 5, 20)
phi = np.ones(20)
print(rx.average(eng, phi))
print(rx.average(eng, phi, unc=True))

rx = ci.Reaction('115IN(n,g)')
rx = ci.Reaction('35CL(n,p)')
f,ax = rx.plot(return_plot=True)
rx = ci.Reaction('35CL(n,el)')
rx.plot(f=f, ax=ax, scale='loglog')