Curie is available through the Python Package index, which allows installation using Python’s standard command line utility pip. Assuming Python and Pip are installed already, you can install Curie with the command:
pip install --user curie
python -m pip install --user curie
If you’d like to install the most recent (unreleased) version of Curie, you can clone the Curie github, and install by either running python -m install --user
or make install
Curie should download about 1GB of nuclear data during setup, however if this download fails for some reason the databases can be downloaded by downloading the setup file and running it with the command:
python install --user
If this fails, you can alternatively download curie as a .zip file from dropbox and unzip it into the appropriate site-packages directory. If you’re unsure where that is, the following StackExchange is a useful reference.