
class curie.Spectrum(filename=None, **kwargs)[source]

Gamma-ray spectrum from High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors

Provides methods for reading, converting, and fitting gamma-ray spectra from HPGe data.


File path to the gamma-ray spectrum. Supported file types are Ortec .Spe and .Chn files.

Other Parameters:
cbstr or ci.Calibration

Calibration to use, or path to a calibration .json file.


List of gamma-decaying isotopes observed in the spectrum.


Dictionary of fit configuration parameters passed as keyword arguments to self.fit_peaks(). See that function for more details on these arguments.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['Eu-152', '40K']
>>> sp.cb = 'example_calib.json'
>>> sp.fit_config = {'bg':'quadratic', 'xrays':False}
>>> sp.saveas('eu_calib_7cm.Chn')
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Chn')

Gamma-ray energy, efficiency and resolution calibration.


List of gamma-decaying isotopes observed in the spectrum.


Dictionary of fit configuration parameters passed as keyword arguments to self.fit_peaks(). See that function for more details on these arguments.


File path to the gamma-ray spectrum.


Histogram of counts observed in the spectrum.


Date-time marking the start of the count.


Total time the spectrum was counting, in seconds, minus the dead time.


Total time the spectrum was counting, in seconds.


Table of fits to the gamma-ray data. Includes counts, isotopes, energies, intensities, efficiencies, calculated decays and decay-rates, chi^2, and other information. The complete list of columns is ‘filename’, ‘isotope’, ‘energy’, ‘counts’, ‘unc_counts’, ‘intensity’, ‘unc_intensity’, ‘efficiency’, ‘unc_efficiency’, ‘decays’, ‘unc_decays’, ‘decay_rate’, ‘unc_decay_rate’, ‘chi2’, ‘start_time’, ‘live_time’, and ‘real_time’.


attenuation_correction(compounds[, x, ad])

Efficiency correction for sample attenuation

auto_calibrate([guess, peaks, adjust])

Attempt to automatically adjust the energy calibration


Fit the peaks in the spectrum

geometry_correction(distance, r_det, ...[, ...])

Efficiency correction for sample geometry

plot([fit, xcalib])

Plot the spectrum


Rebin the histogram

saveas(filename[, replace])

Save the spectrum or peak information to a file


Summarize the fitted peaks in the spectrum

attenuation_correction(compounds, x=None, ad=None)[source]

Efficiency correction for sample attenuation

Corrects the efficiency used in calculating observed decays from each peak for sample attenuation. A list of compounds (and their areal densities) is given, and a correction factor as a function of energy is determined using the photon attenuation data from XCOM. The first compound in the list is assumed to be the radiogenic sample (the “self”), and the other compounds are presumed between the detector and sample. If it is desired to neglect self-attenuation, specify the thickness of the first compound to be zero. Either thickness in units of centimeters must be given for each compound, or the areal density in units of g/cm^2. Note that calling sp.attenuation_correction() will modify the efficiencies/decays in the peak fits, but it also returns the correction factor function used to do so.

compoundslist of str or ci.Compound

List of compounds to correct for. The first compound is assumed to be the radiogenic sample (“self”), the following compounds are assumed to be between the source and detector. If str, the compounds must be either a natural element, or be included in ci.COMPOUND_LIST. They can also be a ci.Compound object.

xlist of float

List of the thicknesses (in cm) of each compound to be corrected for. len(x) must be the same as len(compounds). If a density other than the density of the corresponding compound is desired, use the ad keyword. Only one of x or ad should be given, but at least one is required.

adlist of float

List of the areal densities (in g/cm^2) of each compound to be corrected for. len(ad) must be the same as len(compounds). Only one of x or ad should be given, but at least one is required.


Interpolation function that gives the correction factor as a function of energy, in keV. Correction factor should be multiplied with the efficiency.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> print(sp.attenuation_correction(['Fe', ci.Compound('H2O', density=1.0)], x=[0.1, 0.5])(100*np.arange(1, 10)))
[0.79614452 0.88215107 0.90281046 0.91410313 0.92187566 0.92780998
 0.93217524 0.9365405  0.93969564]
>>> print(sp.attenuation_correction(['La', ci.Compound('Kapton', density=12.0)], ad=[0.1, 0.5])(100*np.arange(1, 10)))
[0.82705455 0.92060463 0.93878407 0.94717435 0.95248909 0.95638036
 0.95914978 0.9619192  0.96387558]
auto_calibrate(guess=None, peaks=None, adjust=1.0)[source]

Attempt to automatically adjust the energy calibration

Uses a genetic forward fitting algorithm to attempt to automatically adjust the energy calibration in cases where the peak centroids are significantly mis-calibrated. The algorithm requires a list of isotopes in the spectrum, so self.isotopes cannot be None. Also, the feature will only make small adjustments to the calibration, so if the current calibration is greater than 0.5 percent off, either a guess or a list of peak locations must be given

guessarray_like, optional

Guess parameters for the energy calibration. Must be a length 2 or 3 array. If None, the energy calibration from self.cb.engcal will be used.

peaksarray_like, optional

List of peak locations. Must be a 2-d array of format [[channel, energy], …]

adjustfloat, optional

Parameter to proportionally adjust the range of calibration parameters explored by auto_calibrate(). Default, 1.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> print(sp.cb.engcal)
[3.3973e-01 1.8297e-01 5.5683e-09]
>>> sp.cb.engcal = [0.3, 0.184]
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.plot()
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.cb.engcal = [0.3, 0.1835]
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.auto_calibrate()
>>> print(sp.cb.engcal)
[0.3        0.18281362 0.        ]
>>> sp.plot()
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.cb.engcal = [0.3, 0.1]
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.auto_calibrate(peaks=[[664, 121.8]])
>>> print(sp.cb.engcal)
[0.         0.18289791 0.        ]
>>> sp.plot()
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.cb.engcal = [0.3, 0.1]
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.auto_calibrate(guess=[0.3, 0.1835])
>>> print(sp.cb.engcal)
[0.3        0.18281398 0.        ]
>>> sp.plot()
fit_peaks(gammas=None, **kwargs)[source]

Fit the peaks in the spectrum

Fits a multiplet of peaks, with configurable parameters, to the spectrum. The list of gammas can either be generated automatically by setting the Spectrum.isotopes attribute, or by using the ‘gammas’ keyword, which adds to any gammas generated from the isotopes attribute. This function is called once when any of the following happen: the Spectrum.peaks property is accessed, the Spectrum.saveas() method is called, or the Spectrum.summarize() or Spectrum.plot() methods are called. The peaks are then saved, and won’t be re-fit unless Spectrum.fit_peaks() (this method) is called explicitly. This is important if parameters such as the calibration, isotopes, or fit_config are changed after the peaks are generated the first time.

gammaslist, dict or pd.DataFrame, optional

Manual entry for specifying peaks in the spectrum. ‘gammas’ must be an object that can be converted into a pandas DataFrame, with the keywords ‘energy’, ‘intensity’, ‘unc_intensity’ and optionally ‘isotope’. Units of intensity should be percent, units of energy should be keV.


Table of peaks that were successfully fit.

Other Parameters:

Whether peak fits should include x-rays, as given by Nudat2. Default False.


Minimum peak energy to fit, in keV. Default 75.0.


Minimum peak intensity to fit, in percent. Default 0.05


Gammas that are fewer than dE_511 keV from the 511 keV annihilation peak are excluded from the fit. Default 3.5


Type of background fit to use. Options are ‘constant’, ‘linear’, ‘quadratic’ or ‘snip’. Default ‘snip’. The ‘snip’ algorithm interpolates the background under the peaks using the detector resolution, and the assumption that the background is smoothly varying. Will fail for peaks that are on top of quickly varying features such as the electron backscatter peak, but has the benefit of removing a free parameter from the fit.


If skew_fit is True, the fit parameters include the skewed gaussian component, otherwise only the gaussian parameters are fit. Default False. The skewed gaussian is characterized by the parameters R and alpha, and has the functional form R*A*exp((x-mu)/(alpha*sig))*erfc((x-mu)/(sqrt(2)*sig)+1.0/(sqrt(2)*alpha)) where A, mu and sigma are the amplitude, centroid and width of the gaussian peak function. Note that unless R and alpha are explicitly set to zero, they will be included in the peak function. skew_fit only specifies whether or not their values are to be fit for each peak.


If step_fit is True, a step function is added to the background fit, which arises from compton scattering. Default False. The functional form of the step function is step*A*erfc((x-mu)/(sqrt(2)*sig)), where A, mu and sigma are the amplitude, centroid and width of the gaussian peak. Similar to skew_fit, unless step is explicitly set to zero (it is by default), a step component is included in every peak. step_fit only specifies whether or not the value of this parameter is fit for every peak.


Expected value of R (amplitude of skewed component of gaussian). Default 0.1.


Expected value of alpha (width of skewed component of gaussian). Default 0.9.


Expected value of step (amplitude of compton background). Default 0.0.


Number of peak standard deviations (width) to include in the spectrum data passed to the curve fit function. Default 7.5. Should be wide enough such that several background channels not in the peak can be included in the fit. If too wide, multiplets may begin to overlap.


Multiplier for parameters in the snip background calculation. Default 1.0.


Minimum acceptable peak amplitude to noise (sqrt(background)) ratio. Default 4.0.


Multiplier for the bounds on the fit parameter A (peak amplitude). Default 1.0.


Multiplier for the bounds on the fit parameter mu (peak centroid). Default 1.0.


Multiplier for the bounds on the fit parameter sig (peak width). Default 1.0.


Maximum number of peaks allowed in a multiplet. Default 8.


Number of bins separating identical/overlapping peaks. Default 0. If two gammas overlap within this number of bins, they will be: combined if from the same isotope, flagged if from two different isotopes, and if one of the identical peaks is estimated to be <1% of the peak height of the other, the smaller peak will be removed. Setting ident_idx=-1 will turn off this feature.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> print(sp.fit_peaks(SNR_min=5, dE_511=12))
>>> print(sp.fit_peaks(bg='quadratic'))
geometry_correction(distance, r_det, thickness, sample_size, shape='circle', N=1000000)[source]

Efficiency correction for sample geometry

Correction to the efficiency for non-point source geometries. The correction factor is a multiplier to the efficiency, that corrects for a sample that was efficiency calibrated using a point source, but that is not a point source itself. Note that the input sizes do not need units, but they are assumed to all be in the same units system (e.g. they are all in cm, or inches). Also, like the attenuation_correction, the correction factor is automatically applied to the peak data, but it is returned by the function as well.


Distance from the front of the sample to the detector. Units must be consistent with other inputs.


Radius of the detector. Units must be consistent with other inputs.


Thickness of the sample, in the same units as the other inputs.


Characteristic sample dimensions (in same units). If shape is circle, this is sample radius. If square, it is side length. If rectangle, sample_size must be a length 2 tuple/array/list, corresponding to the x and y dimensions of the rectangle.

shapestr, optional

Shape of the sample. Options are ‘circle’ (default), ‘square’ and ‘rectangle’.

Nint, optional

Number of particles to use in Monte-Carlo solid angle calculation. Default is 1E6. If the sampling error in the correction factor is greater than 1 percent, a warning will be given to increase N.


Geometry correction factor, to be multiplied with the efficiency.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> print(sp.geometry_correction(distance=4, r_det=5, thickness=0.1, sample_size=2, shape='square'))
>>> print(sp.geometry_correction(distance=30, r_det=5, thickness=10, sample_size=1))
>>> print(sp.geometry_correction(distance=4, r_det=5, thickness=0.1, sample_size=(2,1.5), shape='rectangle'))
plot(fit=True, xcalib=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the spectrum

Draws a plot of the spectrum, and any successful peak fits. Peaks are colored by isotope, and a dashed grey line is drawn over multiplets to help evaluate goodness of fit.

fitbool, optional

If True, include peak fits. Else, only the spectrum is drawn. Default, True.

xcalibbool, optional

If True, the x-axis is the calibrated energy in keV. If False, it is the ADC channel number. This may help locate peaks to give the Spectrum.auto_calibrate() function if the energy calibration is poor. Default, True.

Other Parameters:

Optional keyword arguments for plotting. See the plotting section of the curie API for a complete list of kwargs.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.plot()
>>> sp.plot(xcalib=False)
>>> sp.plot(style='poster')

Rebin the histogram

Rebins the histogram to the closest power of 2 to the given N_bins. Energy and resolution calibrations will be adjusted to match the new bin length. Note N_bins must be less than the current histogram length.


Number of desired bins. Rounds to closest power of 2, e.g. 1000 rounds to 1024.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> print(len(sp.hist))
>>> sp.rebin(1000)
>>> print(len(sp.hist))
saveas(filename, replace=False)[source]

Save the spectrum or peak information to a file

If the file type is one of ‘.png’, ‘.pdf’, ‘.svg’ or another graphical file type, a plot of the spectrum will be saved. If it is one of the supported spectra formats, ‘.Spe’, ‘.Chn’ or ‘.spe’, the spectrum will be converted and saved. Note that only ‘.Spe’ and ‘.Chn’ can be read by ci.Spectrum. If the file type is one of ‘.csv’, ‘.db’ or ‘.json’, the peak data will be saved. All three can be read by the ci.DecayChain.get_counts method.


Name of the file to save to. Supported file types are ‘.png’, ‘.pdf’, ‘.pickle’, ‘.eps’, ‘.pgf’, ‘.ps’, ‘.raw’, ‘.rgba’, ‘.svg’, ‘.svgz’, ‘.Spe’, ‘.Chn’, ‘.spe’, ‘.csv’, ‘.json’, and ‘.db’.

replacebool, optional

If True, when saving to one of the three supported peak data file types, any existing file will be completely overwritten. If False, then only peak data that matches the spectrum name will be overwritten. Default, False.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.saveas('test_plot.png')
>>> sp.saveas('eu_calib.Chn')
>>> sp.saveas('peak_data.csv')

Summarize the fitted peaks in the spectrum

Prints a summary of the observed counts in each peak, the number of decays of the given isotope it corresponds to, and an estimate of the activity of the isotope.


>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.summarize()
152EU - 121.7817 keV (I = 28.53%)
counts: 498785 +/- 3195
decays: 2.515e+07 +/- 2.702e+06
activity (Bq): 1.025e+04 +/- 1.101e+03
activity (uCi): 2.770e-01 +/- 2.976e-02
chi2/dof: 21.923