from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dtm
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from .data import _get_connection
from .plotting import _init_plot, _draw_plot, colormap
from .isotope import Isotope
from .spectrum import Spectrum
class DecayChain(object):
"""Radioactive Decay Chain
Uses the Bateman equations to calculate the activities and number of decays
from a radioactive decay chain as a function of time, both in production
and decay. Also, initial isotope activities and production rates can
be fit to observed count data, or directly fit to HPGe spectra using the
`get_counts()` function.
parent_isotope : str
Parent isotope in the chain.
R : array_like, dict, str or pd.DataFrame
Production rate for each isotope in the decay chain as a function of time.
If a Nx2 np.ndarray, element n gives the production rate R_n up until
time t_n for the parent isotope. E.g. If the production rate of the parent
is 5 for 1 hour, and 8 for 3 hours, the array will be [[5, 1], [8, 4]]. If
instead time intervals are preferred to a monotonically increasing grid
of timestamps, set 'timestamp=False'. In this case the production rate array
will be [[5, 1], [8, 3]]. (R=5 for 1 hour, R=8 for 3 hours).
If R is a dict, it specifies the production rate for multiple isotopes,
where the keys are the isotopes and the values are type np.ndarray.
If R is a pd.DataFrame, it must have columns 'R' and 'time', and optionally 'isotope'
if R>0 for any isotopes other than the parent. If R is a str, it must be a
path to a file where the same data is provided. Supported file types are
.csv, .json and .db files, where .json files must be in the 'records' format,
and .db files must have a table named 'R'. Also, each isotope must have
the same time grid, for both timestamp=True and timestamp=False.
A0 : float or dict
Initial activity. If a float, the initial activity of the parent isotope.
If a dict, the keys are the isotopes for which the values represent the
initial activity.
units : str, optional
Units of time for the chain. Options are 'ns', 'us', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h',
'd', 'y', 'ky', 'My', 'Gy'. Default is 's'.
timestamp : bool, optional
Determines if the 'time' variable in R is to be read as a timestamp-like grid,
i.e. in monotonically increasing order, or as a series of time intervals.
Default is `True`.
R : pd.DataFrame
Production rate as a function of time, for each isotope in the chain. This
will be modified if `fit_R()` is called.
A0 : dict
Initial activity of each isotope in the chain.
isotopes : list
List of isotopes in the decay chain.
counts : pd.DataFrame
Observed counts from isotopes in the decay chain, which can be used
to determine the initial activities or average production rates using
the `fit_R()` or `fit_A0()` functions.
R_avg : pd.DataFrame
Time-averaged production rate for each isotope where R>0. This will be
modified if `fit_R()` is called.
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('Ra-225', R=[[1.0, 1.0], [0.5, 1.5], [2.0, 6]], units='d')
>>> print(dc.isotopes)
['225RAg', '225ACg', '221FRg', '217ATg', '213BIg', '217RNg', '209TLg', '213POg', '209PBg', '209BIg']
>>> print(dc.R_avg)
R_avg isotope
0 1.708333 225RAg
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('152EU', A0=3.7E3, units='h')
>>> print(ci.isotopes)
['152EUg', '152GDg', '152SMg']
def __init__(self, parent_isotope, R=None, A0=None, units='s', timestamp=True):
if units.lower() in ['hr','min','yr','sec']:
units = {'hr':'h','min':'m','yr':'y','sec':'s'}[units.lower()]
self.units = units
istps = [Isotope(parent_isotope)]
self.isotopes = [istps[0].name]
self.R, self.A0, self._counts = None, {self.isotopes[0]:0.0}, None
self._chain = [[istps[0].decay_const(units), [], []]]
stable_chain = [False]
while not all(stable_chain):
for n in [n for n,ch in enumerate(stable_chain) if not ch]:
stable_chain[n] = True
for prod in istps[n].decay_products:
br = istps[n].decay_products[prod]
I = Isotope(prod)
if in self.isotopes:
self._chain.append([I.decay_const(units), [br], [n]])
if not stable_chain[-1]:
self.A0[self.isotopes[-1]] = 0.0
self._chain = np.array(self._chain, dtype=object)
self._branches = self._generate_branches()
if A0 is not None:
if type(A0)==float or type(A0)==int:
self.A0[self.isotopes[0]] = float(A0)
for i in A0:
self.A0[self._filter_name(i)] = float(A0[i])
if R is not None:
if type(R)==str:
if R.endswith('.json'):
self.R = pd.DataFrame(json.loads(open(R).read()))
elif R.endswith('.csv'):
self.R = pd.read_csv(R, header=0).fillna(method='ffill')
elif R.endswith('.db'):
self.R = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM R', _get_connection(R))
if 'isotope' not in self.R.columns.to_list():
self.R['isotope'] = self.isotopes[0]
elif type(R)==pd.DataFrame:
self.R = R.copy(deep=True)
if 'isotope' not in self.R.columns.to_list():
self.R['isotope'] = self.isotopes[0]
elif type(R)==dict:
self.R = pd.DataFrame({'isotope':[], 'R':[], 'time':[]})
for ip in R:
rate = np.array(R[ip])
rt = pd.DataFrame({'isotope':self._filter_name(ip),'R':rate[:,0],'time':rate[:,1]})
self.R = pd.concat([self.R, rt], ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True)
elif type(R)==list or type(R)==np.ndarray:
R = np.asarray(R)
self.R = pd.DataFrame({'isotope':self.isotopes[0], 'R':R[:,0], 'time':R[:,1]})
self.R['isotope'] = [self._filter_name(i) for i in self.R['isotope']]
if not timestamp:
for ip in pd.unique(self.R['isotope']):
self.R.loc[self.R['isotope']==ip,'time'] = np.cumsum(self.R.loc[self.R['isotope']==ip,'time'])
time = np.insert(np.unique(self.R['time']), 0, [0.0])
for n,dt in enumerate(time[1:]-time[:-1]):
_R_dict = {p:self.R[self.R['isotope']==p].iloc[n]['R'] for p in pd.unique(self.R['isotope'])}
self.A0 = {p:self.activity(p, dt, _R_dict=_R_dict) for p in self.A0}
def __str__(self):
return self.isotopes[0]
def _filter_name(self, istp):
return Isotope(istp).name
def _index(self, istp):
return self.isotopes.index(self._filter_name(istp))
def _generate_branches(self):
daughters = {i:[] for i in range(len(self._chain))}
for i,pars in enumerate(self._chain[1:,2]):
for p in pars:
branches = [[0]]
stable_chain = [len(daughters[br[-1]])==0 for br in branches]
while not all(stable_chain):
for par in list(set([b[-1] for b in branches])):
ds = daughters[par]
if len(ds)==0:
if len(ds)>1:
to_dup = [br for br in branches if br[-1]==par]
for m in range(len(ds)-1):
for b in to_dup:
for br in branches:
if br[-1]==par:
for br in branches:
if br[-1]==par:
stable_chain = [len(daughters[br[-1]])==0 for br in branches]
br_ratios = []
for br in branches:
r = []
for n,i in enumerate(br[:-1]):
return branches, br_ratios
def _get_branches(self, istp):
if self._filter_name(istp) not in self.isotopes:
return [], []
m = self._index(istp)
branches, br_ratios = [], []
for n,br in enumerate(self._branches[0]):
if m in br:
k = br.index(m)
new_br = np.array(br[:k+1])
if not any([np.array_equal(b, new_br) for b in branches]):
br_ratios.append(np.array(self._branches[1][n][:k] + [0.0]))
return br_ratios, branches
def _r_lm(self, units=None, r_half_conv=False):
if units is None:
return 1.0
if units.lower() in ['hr','min','yr','sec']:
units = {'hr':'h','min':'m','yr':'y','sec':'s'}[units.lower()]
half_conv = {'ns':1E-9, 'us':1E-6, 'ms':1E-3,
's':1.0, 'm':60.0, 'h':3600.0,
'd':86400.0, 'y':31557.6E3, 'ky':31557.6E6,
'My':31557.6E9, 'Gy':31557.6E12}
if r_half_conv:
return half_conv[units]
return half_conv[units]/half_conv[self.units]
def activity(self, isotope, time, units=None, _R_dict=None, _A_dict=None):
"""Activity of an isotope in the chain
Computes the activity of a given isotope in the decay chain at a
given time. Units of activity are in Bq. Units of time must be either
the units for the DecayChain (default 's'), or specified by the `units`
isotope : str
Isotope for which the activity is calculated.
time : array_like
Time to calculate the activity. Units of time must be the same
as the decay chain, or be given by `units`. Note that if R!=0, time=0 is
defined as the end of production time. Else, if A0!=0, time=0
is defined as the time at which the specified activities equaled
A0. t<0 is not allowed.
units : str, optional
Units of time, if different from the units of the decay chain.
activity : np.ndarray
Activity of the given isotope in Bq.
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('152EU', A0=3.7E3, units='h')
>>> print(dc.activity('152EU', time=0))
>>> print(dc.activity('152EU', time=13.537, units='y'))
time = np.asarray(time)
A = np.zeros(len(time)) if time.shape else np.array(0.0)
finished = []
for m,(BR, chain) in enumerate(zip(*self._get_branches(isotope))):
lm = self._r_lm(units)*self._chain[chain, 0]
L = len(chain)
for i in range(L):
sub = ''.join(map(str, chain[i:]))
if sub in finished:
# if i==L-1 and m>0: # only add A0 of end isotope once
# continue
ip = self.isotopes[chain[i]]
A0 = self.A0[ip] if _A_dict is None else _A_dict[ip]
if A0==0.0 and _R_dict is None:
A_i = lm[-1]*(A0/lm[i])
B_i =[i:-1]*BR[i:-1])
for j in range(i, L):
K = np.arange(i, L)
d_lm = lm[K[K!=j]]-lm[j]
C_j =>1E-12, d_lm, 1E-12*np.sign(d_lm)))
A += A_i*B_i*np.exp(-lm[j]*time)/C_j
if _R_dict is not None:
if ip in _R_dict:
if lm[j]>1E-12:
A += _R_dict[ip]*lm[-1]*B_i*(1.0-np.exp(-lm[j]*time))/(lm[j]*C_j)
A += _R_dict[ip]*lm[-1]*B_i*time/C_j
return A
def decays(self, isotope, t_start, t_stop, units=None, _A_dict=None):
"""Number of decays in a given time interval
Computes the number of decays from a given isotope in the
decay chain in the time interal t_start to t_stop. The
units of t_start and t_stop must be either the same units
as the decay chain, or be specified by the `units` keyword.
isotope : str
Isotope for which the number of decays is calculated.
t_start : array_like
Time of the start of the interval.
t_stop : array_like
Time of the end of the interval.
units : str, optional
Units of time, if different from the units of the decay chain.
decays : np.ndarray
Number of decays
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('152EU', A0=3.7E3, units='h')
>>> print(dc.decays('152EU', t_start=1, t_stop=2))
>>> print(dc.decays('152EU', t_start=50, t_stop=50.1, units='y'))
t_start, t_stop = np.asarray(t_start), np.asarray(t_stop)
D = np.zeros(len(t_start)) if t_start.shape else (np.zeros(len(t_stop)) if t_stop.shape else np.array(0.0))
for m,(BR, chain) in enumerate(zip(*self._get_branches(isotope))):
lm = self._r_lm(units)*self._chain[chain,0]
L = len(chain)
for i in range(L):
if i==L-1 and m>0:
ip = self.isotopes[chain[i]]
A0 = self.A0[ip] if _A_dict is None else _A_dict[ip]
A_i = lm[-1]*(A0/lm[i])
B_i =[i:-1]*BR[i:-1])
for j in range(i, len(chain)):
K = np.arange(i, len(chain))
d_lm = lm[K[K!=j]]-lm[j]
C_j =>1E-12, d_lm, 1E-12*np.sign(d_lm)))
if lm[j]>1E-12:
D += A_i*B_i*(np.exp(-lm[j]*t_start)-np.exp(-lm[j]*t_stop))/(lm[j]*C_j)
D += A_i*B_i*(t_stop-t_start)/C_j
return D*self._r_lm((self.units if units is None else units), True)
def counts(self):
return self._counts
def counts(self, N_c):
if N_c is not None:
if type(N_c)==pd.DataFrame:
self._counts = N_c.copy(deep=True)
self._counts['isotope'] = [self._filter_name(ip) for ip in self._counts['isotope']]
elif type(N_c)!=dict:
N_c = np.asarray(N_c)
self._counts = pd.DataFrame({'isotope':self.isotopes[0],
self._counts = pd.DataFrame({'isotope':[],'start':[],'stop':[],'counts':[],'unc_counts':[]})
for ip in N_c:
ct = np.array(N_c[ip])
if len(ct.shape)==1:
ct = np.array([ct])
ct = pd.DataFrame({'isotope':self._filter_name(ip),
self._counts = pd.concat([self._counts, ct], ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True)
self._counts['activity'] = [p['counts']*self.activity(p['isotope'], p['start'])/self.decays(p['isotope'], p['start'], p['stop']) for n,p in self._counts.iterrows()]
self._counts['unc_activity'] = self._counts['unc_counts']*self.counts['activity']/self._counts['counts']
def get_counts(self, spectra, EoB, peak_data=None):
"""Retrieves the number of measured decays
Takes the number of measured decays from one of the following: a list of spectra,
a file with peak data, or a pandas DataFrame with peak data.
spectra : list or str
List of ci.Spectrum objects, or str of spectra filenames. If list of str,
peak_data **must** be specified. In this case the filenames must be
an exact match of the filenames in `peak_data`. If spectra is a str,
it is assumed to be a regex match for the filenames in `peak_data`.
EoB : str or datetime.datetime
Date/time of end-of-bombardment (t=0). Must be a datetime object or
a string in the format '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'. This is used to calculate
the decay time for the count.
peak_data : str or pd.DataFrame, optional
Either a file path to a file that was created using
`ci.Spectrum.saveas()` or a DataFrame with the same
structure as `ci.Spectrum.peaks`.
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> sp.saveas('test_spec.json')
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('152EU', A0=3.7E3, units='h')
>>> dc.get_counts([sp], EoB='01/01/2016 08:39:08')
>>> dc.get_counts(['eu_calib_7cm.Spe'], EoB='01/01/2016 08:39:08', peak_data='test_spec.json')
>>> print(dc.counts)
counts = []
if type(EoB)==str:
EoB = dtm.datetime.strptime(EoB, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
if peak_data is not None:
if type(peak_data)==str:
if peak_data.endswith('.json'):
peak_data = pd.read_json(peak_data, orient='records')
elif peak_data.endswith('.csv'):
peak_data = pd.read_csv(peak_data, header=0)
elif peak_data.endswith('.db'):
peak_data = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM peaks', _get_connection(peak_data))
peak_data = pd.DataFrame(peak_data)
if type(spectra)==str and peak_data is not None:
df = peak_data['filename']
spectra = list(set(map(str, df[df.str.contains(spectra)].to_list())))
for sp in spectra:
if type(sp)==str:
if peak_data is not None:
df = peak_data[peak_data['filename']==sp]
df['isotope'] = [self._filter_name(i) for i in df['isotope']]
df = df[df['isotope'].isin(self.isotopes)]
if len(df):
start_time = df.iloc[0]['start_time']
if type(start_time)==str or type(start_time)==unicode:
start_time = dtm.datetime.strptime(start_time, '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
start = (start_time-EoB).total_seconds()*self._r_lm('s')
stop = start+(df.iloc[0]['real_time']*self._r_lm('s'))
raise ValueError('peak_data must be specified if type(spectra)==str')
if peak_data is not None:
df = peak_data[peak_data['filename']==sp.filename]
df = sp.peaks.copy()
df['isotope'] = [self._filter_name(i) for i in df['isotope']]
df = df[df['isotope'].isin(self.isotopes)]
if len(df):
start = (sp.start_time-EoB).total_seconds()*self._r_lm('s')
stop = start+(sp.real_time*self._r_lm('s'))
if len(df):
counts.append(pd.DataFrame({'isotope':df['isotope'], 'start':start, 'stop':stop, 'counts':df['decays'], 'unc_counts':df['unc_decays']}))
self.counts = pd.concat(counts, sort=True, ignore_index=True).sort_values(by=['start']).reset_index(drop=True)
def R_avg(self):
df = []
for ip in np.unique(self.R['isotope']):
time = np.insert(np.unique(self.R['time']), 0, [0.0])
df.append({'isotope':ip, 'R_avg':np.average(self.R[self.R['isotope']==ip]['R'], weights=time[1:]-time[:-1])})
return pd.DataFrame(df)
def fit_R(self, max_error=0.4, min_counts=1):
"""Fit the production rate to count data
Fits a scalar multiplier to the production rate (as a function of time) for
each isotope specified in self.R. The fit minimizes to the number of
measured decays (self.counts) as a function of time, rather than the
activity, because the activity at each time point may be sensitive to
the shape of the decay curve.
max_error : float, optional
The maximum relative error of a count datum to include in the fit. E.g. 0.25=25%
(ony points with less than 25% error will be shown). Default, 0.4 (40%).
min_counts : float or int, optional
The minimum number of counts (decays) for a datum in self.counts to be included
in the fit. Default, 1.
isotopes : list
List of isotopes where R>0. Same indices as fit. (i.e. isotope[0] corresponds
to fit[0] and cov[0][0].)
fit : np.ndarray
The fitted time-averaged production rate for each isotope where R>0.
cov : np.ndarray
Covariance matrix on the fit.
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('152EU', R=[[3E5, 36.0]], units='d')
>>> dc.get_counts([sp], EoB='01/01/2016 08:39:08')
>>> print(dc.fit_R())
(array(['152EUg'], dtype=object), array([1291584.51735774]), array([[1.67412376e+09]]))
if self.R is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot fit R: R=0.')
X = []
R_isotopes = [i for i in self.isotopes if i in pd.unique(self.R['isotope'])]
time = np.insert(np.unique(self.R['time']), 0, [0.0])
filter_counts = self.counts[(self.counts['counts']>min_counts)&(self.counts['unc_counts']<max_error*self.counts['counts'])]
for ip in R_isotopes:
A0 = {p:0.0 for p in self.A0}
for n,dt in enumerate(time[1:]-time[:-1]):
_R_dict = {ip:self.R[self.R['isotope']==ip].iloc[n]['R']}
A0 = {p:self.activity(p, dt, _R_dict=_R_dict, _A_dict=A0) for p in self.A0}
X.append([self.decays(c['isotope'], c['start'], c['stop'], _A_dict=A0) for n,c in filter_counts.iterrows()])
X = np.array(X)
Y = filter_counts['counts'].to_numpy()
dY = filter_counts['unc_counts'].to_numpy()
wh = np.array([np.all(x>0) for x in X.T])
p0 = np.average(Y[wh]/X[:,wh], axis=1)
p0 = np.where((p0>0)&(np.isfinite(p0)), p0, 1.0)
func = lambda X_f, *R_f:, X_f)
fit, cov = curve_fit(func, X, Y, sigma=dY, p0=p0, bounds=(0.0*p0, np.inf*p0))
for n,ip in enumerate(R_isotopes):
df_sub = self.R[self.R['isotope']==ip]
self.R.loc[df_sub.index, 'R'] = df_sub['R']*fit[n]
self.A0 = {i:0.0 for i in self.A0}
for n,dt in enumerate(time[1:]-time[:-1]):
_R_dict = {p:self.R[self.R['isotope']==p].iloc[n]['R'] for p in pd.unique(self.R['isotope'])}
self.A0 = {p:self.activity(p, dt, _R_dict=_R_dict) for p in self.A0}
self.counts = self.counts
R_avg = self.R_avg
R_norm = np.array([R_avg[R_avg['isotope']==i]['R_avg'].to_numpy()[0] for i in R_isotopes])
if not np.any(np.isfinite(np.diag(cov))):
cov = np.ones(cov.shape)*((np.average(dY/Y))*fit)**2
return R_isotopes, R_norm, cov*(R_norm/fit)**2
def fit_A0(self, max_error=0.4, min_counts=1):
"""Fit the initial activity to count data
Fits a scalar multiplier to the initial activity for
each isotope specified in self.A0. The fit minimizes to the number of
measured decays (self.counts) as a function of time, rather than the
activity, because the activity at each time point may be sensitive to
the shape of the decay curve.
max_error : float, optional
The maximum relative error of a count datum to include in the fit. E.g. 0.25=25%
(ony points with less than 25% error will be shown). Default, 0.4 (40%).
min_counts : float or int, optional
The minimum number of counts (decays) for a datum in self.counts to be included
in the fit. Default, 1.
isotopes : list
List of isotopes where A0>0. Same indices as fit. (i.e. isotope[0] corresponds
to fit[0] and cov[0][0].)
fit : np.ndarray
The initial activity for each isotope where A0>0.
cov : np.ndarray
Covariance matrix on the fit.
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('152EU', A0=3.7E4, units='d')
>>> dc.get_counts([sp], EoB='01/01/2016 08:39:08')
>>> print(dc.fit_A0())
(['152EUg'], array([6501.93665952]), array([[42425.53832341]]))
if self.R is not None:
raise ValueError('Cannot fit A0 when R!=0.')
X = []
A0_isotopes = [i for i in self.isotopes if i in self.A0]
filter_counts = self.counts[(self.counts['counts']>min_counts)&(self.counts['unc_counts']<max_error*self.counts['counts'])]
for ip in A0_isotopes:
A0 = {p:(self.A0[p] if p==ip else 0.0) for p in self.A0}
X.append([self.decays(c['isotope'], c['start'], c['stop'], _A_dict=A0) for n,c in filter_counts.iterrows()])
X = np.array(X)
Y = filter_counts['counts'].to_numpy()
dY = filter_counts['unc_counts'].to_numpy()
func = lambda X_f, *R_f:, X_f)
p0 = np.ones(len(X))
fit, cov = curve_fit(func, X, Y, sigma=dY, p0=p0, bounds=(0.0*p0, np.inf*p0))
for n,ip in enumerate(A0_isotopes):
self.A0[ip] *= fit[n]
self.counts = self.counts
A_norm = np.array([self.A0[i] for i in A0_isotopes])
return A0_isotopes, A_norm, cov*(A_norm/fit)**2
def plot(self, time=None, max_plot=10, max_label=10, max_plot_error=0.4, max_plot_chi2=10, **kwargs):
"""Plot the activities in the decay chain
Plots the activities as a function of time for all radioactive
isotopes in the decay chain. Can plot along a specified time
grid, else the time will be inferred from the half-life of the
parent isotope, or any count information given to self.counts.
time : array_like, optional
Time grid along which to plot. Units must be the same as the decay chain.
max_plot : int, optional
Maximum number of isotope activities to plot in the decay chain. Default, 10.
max_label : int, optional
Maximum number of isotope activities to label in the legend. Default, 10.
max_plot_error : float, optional
The maximum relative error of a count point to include on the plot. E.g. 0.25=25%
(ony points with less than 25% error will be shown). Default, 0.4.
max_plot_chi2 : float or int, optional
Maximum chi^2 of a count point to include on the plot. Only points with a chi^2
less than this value will be shown. Default, 10.
Other Parameters
Optional keyword arguments for plotting. See the
plotting section of the curie API for a complete
list of kwargs.
>>> sp = ci.Spectrum('eu_calib_7cm.Spe')
>>> sp.isotopes = ['152EU']
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('152EU', R=[[3E5, 36.0]], units='d')
>>> dc.get_counts([sp], EoB='01/01/2016 08:39:08')
>>> dc.fit_R()
>>> dc.plot()
>>> dc = ci.DecayChain('99MO', A0=350E6, units='d')
>>> dc.plot()
f, ax = _init_plot(**kwargs)
if time is not None:
time = np.asarray(time)
elif self.counts is None:
time = np.linspace(0, 5.0*np.log(2)/self._chain[0,0], 1000)
time = np.linspace(0, 1.25*self.counts['stop'].max(), 1000)
if max_plot is None:
max_plot = len(self.isotopes)
ordr = int(np.floor(np.log10(np.average(self.activity(self.isotopes[0], time)))/3.0))
lb_or = {-5:'f',-4:'p',-3:'n',-2:r'$\mu$',-1:'m',0:'',1:'k',2:'M',3:'G',4:'T',5:'E'}[ordr]
mult = 10**(-3*ordr)
if self.R is not None:
A0 = {p:0.0 for p in self.A0}
T = np.insert(np.unique(self.R['time']), 0, [0.0])
T_grid = np.array([])
A_grid = {p:np.array([]) for p in A0}
for n,dt in enumerate(T[1:]-T[:-1]):
_R_dict = {p:self.R[self.R['isotope']==p].iloc[n]['R'] for p in pd.unique(self.R['isotope'])}
dT = np.linspace(0, dt, 50)
T_grid = dT if n==0 else np.append(T_grid, T_grid[-1]+dT)
A_grid = {p:np.append(A_grid[p], self.activity(p, dT, _R_dict=_R_dict, _A_dict=A0)) for p in A0}
A0 = {p:A_grid[p][-1] for p in A0}
plot_time = time if self.R is None else np.append(T_grid-T_grid[-1], time.copy())
for n,istp in enumerate(self.isotopes):
if self._chain[n,0]>1E-12 and n<max_plot:
A = self.activity(istp, time)
if self.R is not None:
A = np.append(A_grid[istp], A)
label = Isotope(istp).TeX if n<max_label else None
line, = ax.plot(plot_time, A*mult, label=label)
if self.counts is not None:
df = self.counts[self.counts['isotope']==istp]
if len(df):
x, y, yerr = df['start'].to_numpy(), df['activity'].to_numpy(), df['unc_activity'].to_numpy()
idx = np.where((max_plot_error*y>yerr)&(yerr>0.0)&(np.isfinite(yerr)))
if len(x[idx]>0):
x, y, yerr = x[idx], y[idx], yerr[idx]
idx = np.where((self.activity(istp, x)-y)**2/yerr**2<max_plot_chi2)
if len(x[idx]>0):
x, y, yerr = x[idx], y[idx], yerr[idx]
ax.errorbar(x, y*mult, yerr=yerr*mult, ls='None', marker='o', color=line.get_color(), label=None)
ax.set_xlabel('Time ({})'.format(self.units))
ax.set_ylabel('Activity ({}Bq)'.format(lb_or))
return _draw_plot(f, ax, **kwargs)