.. _quickinstall: ============ Installation ============ NPAT is available through the `Python Package index`_, which allows installation using Python's standard command line utility `pip`_. Assuming Python and Pip are installed already, you can install NPAT with the command:: pip install --user npat or:: python -m pip install --user npat If you'd like to install the most recent (unreleased) version of NPAT, you can clone the NPAT `github`_, and install by either running ``python -m setup.py install --user`` or ``make install``. .. _Python Package index: https://pypi.org/ .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable .. _github: https://github.com/jtmorrell/npat Troubleshooting --------------- NPAT should download about 1GB of nuclear data during setup, however if this download fails for some reason the databases can be downloaded by downloading the `setup`_ file and running it with the command:: python setup.py install --user .. _setup: https://github.com/jtmorrell/npat/blob/master/setup.py If this fails, you can alternatively download npat as a .zip file from `dropbox`_ and unzip it into the appropriate site-packages directory. If you're unsure where that is, the following `StackExchange`_ is a useful reference. .. _dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iohu07ing4e1b9r/npat.zip?dl=1 .. _StackExchange: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/122327/how-do-i-find-the-location-of-my-python-site-packages-directory/12950101